Speaking of that idea, have you ever worn a diaper? Not counting when you were a baby.

nope, and i don’t plan to

fill my box! ask me absolutely anything! and i do mean anything!

Inception is a fun movie to watch, but left me feeling empty, but with a bloated bladder. If you saw it, did it make you feel the same way? Maybe when I watch it the second time, I should wear a diaper?

if it makes you feel better, then feel free

fill my box! ask me absolutely anything! and i do mean anything!

Is it a turn on to know that someone is masturbating while looking at one of your photos?

definitely! if it wasn’t, i wouldn’t post pictures like the ones i do. i loooove knowing guys (or girls) like looking at me, and even more when i know i really turn them on. and if they’re inspired enough to do something about it…. mmmmm yeah i love knowing that!

fill my box! ask me absolutely anything! and i do mean anything!

Have you ever slit someone’s butts’ throat? It’s a great way to teach someone a lesson!

i don’t even know what that is. care to enlighten me?

fill my box! ask me absolutely anything! and i do mean anything!

June 2011