
So, you may have noticed that there was no Q&A posted this past Monday. I apologize for that, but I want to let all of you know that there will probably be no new content here until the new year. There may be one or two things that I put up here, but nothing definite. Subscribe to the blog (links to the right) or follow me on Twitter to get notified if anything does pop up.

Q&A posts will begin again on Saturday, January 5. Erotic story posts will begin again in January as well. I’ve also got a few other ideas kicking around that may also get their start in January. I’ll keep quiet on those until they’re more definite.

I’ll still be around online in the usual places, including my chatroom, so please feel free to stop in and say hi! Also, ask me anything you want to know. I’ll be working on these from time to time to build up a good amount to start releasing in January. I’m eager to hear from you!

I wish all of you a happy time during whichever holidays you celebrate, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, something else, or all or none of the above! Hope you all have fun and lots of steamy sex! My love to you all!

Q&A: Marriage

georgeg wants to know: Are you married? If not when you are going to get it done?

No, I am not married. And while my attitude may change, right now I have no intention of getting married.

I actually get this question a lot from different areas of the world, mostly from the Middle East and India. It makes sense. In cultures like that, marriage is a much bigger deal than it is in the west, America in particular, I think. 50 years ago, things were very different, but nowadays being single isn’t such a big deal. It’s still kind of expected that you want to get married, but not as big a deal if you’re not married.

Personally, I don’t see the point in me getting married. I have no intention of settling down with one guy. Some people answer that by asking “well, what about an open marriage?”  Again, what’s the point? What benefit comes from an open marriage? Can someone tell me?

While I’m on the topic, I might as well dive into hotly politicized territory and mention that while I don’t think marriage is for me, I’m not against it for others. In fact, I’m fully in support of marriage equality for everyone, at least at the legal/governmental level. If your religion states that gays shouldn’t be married, fine. Gay people need to take that into account and decide whether their faith or their love is more important to them. But this is a clear case of religion vs. state, and, at least in the United States where there is a definitive stance on these things, the law should uphold equality for all. We can’t force churches to allow it, but government civil servants, such as judges, who have the ability to perform weddings shouldn’t be able to stand in the way of two people getting married, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Q&A: Slutty Realization

Frank asked me a question that I’m not going to answer here. Why? Because the answer is in my FAQ. If you’re reading this, Frank, please check that out. Instead, I’m answering a question from Ben: At what point did you realise you were a slut/whore?

Here’s a fairly short version: In high school, I fell in love with my first boyfriend. Well, my first serious boyfriend, at any rate. And boy, did I fall hard for him! I think your first love is always a significant event. Not only was he my first love, he’s also the guy who took my virginity. At any rate, he dumped me for another girl. I was hurt, I was angry, I was embarrassed, I was jealous.

To try to make him feel something similar, I sought out revenge. I went out with the first guy to ask me out and gave him a blowjob on the first date. I was hoping my ex would hear about it, get upset, realize he was wrong, and take me back. He didn’t. So I fucked this new guy. Someone else asked me out, and I fucked him. I was horribly insecure at this point, especially since my ex didn’t seem to care. I’d fuck any guy who asked me out.  More

Q&A: Cyber Cheating

Beth asked me a good one. She wants to know: If you’re in a relationship and you have cam sex with someone else, do you class that as cheating or do you think cheating is only if you have physical contact?

Well, maybe I should start by pointing out that I have avoided serious relationships for roughly the last 10 years. (I’m getting so old!) That said, my answer may differ wildly from someone else’s. I mean, the only guys I see for any real length of time are those that are okay with me having real, physical sex with other guys. Those that can’t handle that disappear pretty quick.

Really, though, this is a tricky question. Cyber sex or cam sex seems innocent enough. Well, maybe “innocent” isn’t quite the right word, but you know what I mean. From a technical standpoint, I’d say it’s fine. There’s no physical contact, least of all penetration. As far as cyber sex goes, it’s really not any worse than reading erotic fiction/romance novels. It’s more interactive, but it’s just as much fantasy. With webcams involved, it’s a little more risky. Again though, it’s very much like watching a porn video, except a little more interactive. This is only the most technical sense.

Technicalities aside, one you’re involved with someone, then emotions get stirred up as well. So let’s look closer at how people react to their lovers being involved with each of these things: More

I’m Disappointed

I received a question recently about giving out photos. I’ll admit that the question was poorly written and quite blunt, and I answered it as such. Then some of you decided to comment on that post, with nothing worthwhile to say. The insults dished out toward the questioner are rude and unacceptable here. I’m ashamed that any of my readers would post something so potentially hurtful here!

I make it a point to answer just about every single thing that you all send me. I do it because each and every single one of my readers is important to me, and I like to take a personal interest in each of you, as much as I am able, and that means treating everyone with respect. The only ones who don’t get respect from me are those who repeatedly break any of my rules. I don’t have any posted rules here (just for my chatroom), but I would think that basic respect and refraining from crude insults and bullying would be pretty self-evident.

My blog is for me and you to be able to speak freely, with no concern for propriety or being made fun of or anything of the sort. We can all speak freely here, as long as everyone is given due respect.

For the first time, I am censoring my blog. The Q&A post in question is deleted, as are all comments associated with it. This hurts me. I hope this is a one-time deal, because interacting with my readers is something I really enjoy, and my next step would be to disable the ability for you to comment on my posts.

Q&A: Rewards

Got a question from Jean Luc that got bumped to the front of the line because it ties in with the last one I answered. He said: Now I know you don’t like being just asked for pictures, but let’s face it, a lot of your regulars would like to see more pics of you, you are smoking hot after all and the main woman of all our fantasies! I was wondering if you ever thought of a reward system for regulars or maybe even contests (writing stories, Kristen trivia, supplying ideas to you for your blog, etc) for us to earn more pictures of the most beautiful woman we all know?

First off, thank you so much for all the compliments! I also need to make a point here about how much I love all my regular readers and followers and chatroom buddies! You all rock so much! I love each and every one of you! I’m thrilled you keep coming back here for more. I want to give my fans whatever they want. I want to say thank you for all the love and support I feel from you, and all the fun you provide. I wouldn’t be doing any of this if I felt like no one was interested. More

Q&A: Photos


This post no longer exists. Look here to see why.

December 2012