Cybersex 101

Hello class. Settle down, please. My name is Kristen, and I’ll be your schoolmistress for this course. I hope by the end of these classes, you’ll all be fully versed in cybersex, able to inspire an orgasm in your partner purely through the power of the written word.

This course has been inspired by the various interactions I’ve had in my own personal chatroom. Some of those interactions have boiled my blood and made me melt. Others have left me cold and disinterested. So I have decided to share my experience and innate talent with anyone who’s interested in learning. For those of you who feel you have nothing to learn, I encourage you to join in anyway. This will be a fun course about an interesting topic with plenty of interactive opportunities to hone your skills. And honed skills in this area benefit you as much as your partner!

The curriculum is still being developed. It will consist primarily of blog posts, but will also include some scheduled class chats in a designated chatroom. There may be tests along the way, and there will definitely be a final exam, which will consist of a private chat session with me, one on one.

If you’re interested, look for a new page on this blog (along the top menu) called “Cybersex 101” and follow the directions. It should be up soon.

August 2011