
I’ve always intended for all the content on this blog to be free to everyone. And before anyone freaks out, that will continue to be the case. However, there are some features on this blog that I already have, and some that I’d like to add, that cost money.

Some of you have expressed interest in showing your generosity through money or gifts. I’ve always refused all of that. I don’t want to feel obligated to anyone over anything.

I’ve wrestled with this for a long time, and I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s not wrong of me to ask for donations. This is purely voluntary donations. There will be NO exclusive content or other benefits for those that choose to contribute. All it will do is pay for things like the chatroom and maybe some other features here. No one is obligated to contribute, and I am not obligated to do anything in return for the contributor.

If you’re the type who wants to help me out, then please donate. If you just want to keep the chatroom and see what else might be in store, then please donate. If you just want to read my posts and don’t care about anything else, then feel free to not donate. No pressure.

(Is it obvious that I’m really nervous about this?)

Any money earned from this site will primarily go toward this site. There is a monthly fee for the chatroom that will be paid from this fund. If there is more available, I plan on getting my own domain name for this blog (which in turn, opens up new possibilities for other features). Beyond that, I have no plans, but if there’s more available, I’ll look into what else I can do. Ideas and suggestions are welcome on my Feedback page.

For those who wish to donate, there is no set amount. Contribute only what you feel comfortable doing, and not a penny more!

What do you think?

May 2024